Whinnies & Whistles

Whinnies & Whistles

She whinnies as I whistle.

We meet, to greet,

in the middle.

She leans in close,

blowing warmth & comfort,

from her soft little nose.

If horses are a mirror,

maybe she can help me

see a little clearer.

Her presence offers

a quiet meditation.

Time for my mind, to just be,

with no observation.

We’ve cultivated a partnership,

based on willing participation.

This will never be a one sided conversation.

On the ground, we play.

She has so much to say.

Has anyone before me, ever, listened?

Her secrets and stories,

make my eyes often glisten.

With one another, we listen & hear.

We ease one anothers various fears.

She is my home, away from home,

& together we roam.

Over & under obstacles,

And things that often feel impossible.

A friend,

she is,

And always will be,

the key is to love her


The least I can do,

is be her friend too.

Salt for Horses

Salt for Horses

Vermont Blend vs California Trace

Vermont Blend vs California Trace