Chia Seed Treats

Chia Seed Treats

Chia seeds are a fantastic source of Omega 3’s and my personal favorite healthy fat. While I typically give my horses about 1/3 cup of chia per day in their hay pellet meals, treats are another fun offering.2 or 3 treats per day should provide about the same amount.

I wanted to keep my treats low in sugar so I used

  • 1 small shredded carrot

  • 1 cup of chia

  • 2 - 3 Tbsp of water.

    Using a tablespoon, this made a dozen cookies.

You could easily add other ingredients such as; oats, apples, apple cider vinegar, apple sauce, crushed peppermint, cinnamon, salt, coconut oil, turmeric, bee pollen or even wild blueberries.

Mixing Tips: Make sure you have a big bowl to combine the ingredients in, because as soon as you hydrate and mix the chia seeds they will magically appear on everything within at least an arms reach. You may want to let the mixture sit for a few minutes and then give it another stir. Either way, you’ll notice after a couple minutes they start to stick together better and then you can grab a tablespoon and begin to shape them more easily.


Shaping Tips: I recommend using a tablespoon amount, rolling it into a ball, flattening and then maybe even poking a full or shallow hole in the middle - this will help them ‘dry out’ in the middle while they are dehydrating in the oven. You can get crafty and make the hole a pill pocket! Initially, I rolled them into a ball and baked, but then I realized that the middle was still moist and maybe it’s best for it to dry out some too. I didn’t want it to get yucky on the inside.

Bake for 20 minutes at 200 F, flipping over halfway through.

Let treats cool on baking sheet.

They do tend to shed, so watch out for loose chia seeds!

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