“Do not kill the instinct of the body for the glory of the pose.”
whole horse vitality
Friends. Forage. Freedom. Function
Harmonizing the biomechanical pieces by utilizing a multi-modality approach to bodywork allows for a profoundly positive influence on the horse but we must consider the entirety of the individual.
The ‘whole horse’ movement has been rapidly gaining traction due to increased awareness of the interconnectivity between all systems of the body, mind and all of the influences upon them.
Whole Horse Consulting
Multi-Modality Bodywork
Hoof Health & Biomechanics Analysis
Student of Equine Osteopathy at VIEO
Services available in North Georgia and surrounding Atlanta areas.
Relentlessly advocating for the horse.
Resilient Equine focuses on ‘Whole Horse Vitality’ and offers discussions on a variety of topics including :
Forage and nutritional needs for equines
Freedom in turnout and exploring habitats that prioritize species appropriate lifestyles
Friends with healthy and safe herd dynamics & relationships
Function of the body overall with a focus on an individuals unique and optimal mobility throughout all of its systems
Function of the hooves with a focus on overall health, safe thrush treatments and hoof-to-body and body-to-hoof compensations including assessing distal limb biomechanics
Function of the mind in general and within partnership via the development of authentic, consent based, force-free connection by utilizing refined techniques that debunk mainstream training methods & explore equine learning theories